Terms & Conditions

The services Charlotte Travel Limited provides are subject to the following terms and conditions, unless otherwise specified in the customer contract. The service terms and conditions contained herein shall be governed by the laws of HKSAR. Any party purchasing and/or using the services of Charlotte Travel Limited agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions herein.

Data Privacy

The Company provides services to the Customer observing the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The Customer should read, understand and accept the Privacy Policy.

Initial Deposit

Reservations will be confirmed, based upon availability, upon notice in writing from us to you of the number of travelers in your party and upon your payment of a deposit to us. An initial non-refundable deposit is required for each booking and will be advised by your Travel Advisor.

Special payment policies may apply and will be advised at time of reservation. Should payment not be received by the due date, all reservations may be cancelled. Charlotte Travel Limited is not responsible for any penalties, fare increases or fees incurred due to late payment. The payment of deposit to to Charlotte Travel Limited implies the acceptance of the Service Terms & Conditions.

Passports, Visas, Travel Documents, Vaccinations

It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure all passports and/or visas and/or necessary travel documents are prepared and valid for travel at departure, remains valid for a minimum of six months beyond the return travel date. Charlotte Travel Limited under no circumstances is liable for any consequences/loss due to the Customer not having the required passport, visa, and/or travel documents. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ascertain whether any vaccinations or other health precautions are needed beforehand.

Travel Insurance

Charlotte Travel Limited highly recommends the purchase of travel insurance, including trip cancellation insurance. Medical expenses in some countries are considerably higher than in Hong Kong. Baggage insurance is also recommended. Under no circumstances will Charlotte Travel Limited be liable for any consequence/loss due to the Customer not being covered by travel insurance.

We have information on travel insurance here


All prices are quoted in Hong Kong Dollars unless otherwise indicated. Charlotte Travel Limited can guarantee air prices only for reservations fully settled. Air tickets must be issued to guarantee against price increases, fuel surcharges and to avoid cancellation of air reservations. Government and supplier-imposed taxes and fees are subject to increase at any time and are not covered by Charlotte Travel Limited. Prices do not include Airline baggage or seat assignment fees or other ancillary fees, passport and visa fees, some departure taxes, gratuities, meals, beverages, insurance, telephone calls, additional bedding charges, laundry service, and other miscellaneous charges of a personal nature are not included except otherwise remarked.

Payment, Credit Facility, Finance Charge

Upon confirmation of the booking, 100% of any airfares are required and a 50% deposit of your land arrangements should be paid within 3 days. The balance payment is required 60 days before your departure. All payments must be paid in full at the time of transaction, unless a credit facility is in place. An exact amount is required and it is your responsibility to bear any bank charges incurred (including third party bank charges). Charlotte Travel Limited reserves the right to cancel the booked arrangement without refund to the Customer if full payment is not made in a timely manner. In cases where a credit facility has been pre-approved, the Customer shall make full payment to Charlotte Travel Limited within the credit period. A 2% per month interest rate applies to all outstanding payments.

Payments may be made by transfer to the bank details listed below or debit and credit cards from American Express, Visa or Mastercard.

Bank Name:          Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd 
Bank code:            004 
A/C No. :               144-326295-838  
Swift Code:           HSBCHKHHHKH

FPS ID:                 2412070 

Cancellations & Refund

The Customer must notify us in writing (by mail or email) of any cancellation. Cancellations are effective on the day received by us. Your payment to us will be refunded, less a cancellation fee in an amount that depends on when we receive your notice as follows:

Notice ReceivedAmount Refunded
Less than 30 days before departureNo Refund
30 days to less than 60 days before departure50% of amount paid
60 days or more before departure 75% of amount paid

All refunds are subject to our service & administration fees, exchange rates and the refund policies of each hotel, airline, and other vendor, some of which have onerous cancellation policies where funds paid are non-refundable. Accordingly, the amount refunded to you may be further reduced as a result of these policies. We strongly recommend that you secure travel insurance that covers lost deposits and cancellation fees. 

Once travel has begun, there will be no refunds for any unused or partially used travel component for any reason.

With respect to the travel arrangements made in connection with this transaction, Charlotte Travel Limited, represents and acts as agent for disclosed principals and independent contractors, including carriers, transportation companies, tour operators, wholesalers, service companies, hotels, etc. Charlotte Travel Limited, is not responsible or liable for any acts, omissions, financial stability, delays or changes by any of these entities. Neither Charlotte Travel Limited nor any of its representatives shall be or become liable or responsible for any loss, injury, damage to person, property, or otherwise in connection with any accommodations, transportation or other services resulting directly or indirectly from any extraordinary circumstances, including but not limited to acts of God, dangers incident to the sea, fire, breakdown in machinery, acts of governments, de jure or de facto, war, hostilities, civil disturbances, strikes, riots, thefts, epidemics, medical quarantines, customs regulations, defaults, delays or cancellations of or changes in itinerary, routing or schedules from any cause beyond the control of the Charlotte Travel Limited, or from any loss or damage resulting from insufficient or improperly issued passports, visas or other documents.

Charlotte Travel Limited has no liability for cancellation fees/penalties/charges that may be imposed by airlines/hotels/suppliers due to the Customer’s request to cancel. Any cancellation order placed with Charlotte Travel Limited must allow sufficient time, within normal working hours, Monday through Friday, for Charlotte Travel Limited to process the cancel action/notification to airlines/hotels/suppliers. In some bookings the cancellation date and time is critical and will help determine whether fees/penalties/charges will be applied. Should refunds be requested upon cancellation by either the customer or the hotel, airline or vendor, Charlotte Travel Limited reserves the right to charge an administration/handling fee. 

No Show & Name Changes

In the case of a Customer no show for a booked service, the Customer must understand and accept that the related airlines/hotels/suppliers may take actions at their discretion based on their terms and conditions and/or industry operations practice: this may include but not be limited to: a) cancellation of all subsequent flights/travel arrangements; and/or b) the application of a penalty charge to the Customer; and/or c) the Customer forfeiting the service without refund. These actions may be taken without prior notification. After the Customer notifies Charlotte Travel Limited of a no-show situation, Charlotte Travel Limited will suggest to the Customer the best possible action based on the Customer’s requirements. Charlotte Travel Limited has no liability for any fees, charges, or interruption to services which may affect the Customer due to the Customer’s no show.

Name changes for flights are subject to airline fees. Charlotte Travel Limited reserves the right to charge a HK$300 handling fee on top of airline fees for any name changes or incorrect names provided to us. 

Alterations made by you 

Any alterations made by the Customer will incur a fee of HK$1,000 per person per transaction to the reservation after receipt of full payment, and additional airline, hotel and or/supplier fees may also be charged. Any change made will result in the reservation being re-priced at the rate in effect at the time of the change. No refunds will be granted on unused services once travel has commenced. Changes in return transportation to the extent permitted by carrier(s)’ tariff may be made only through Charlotte Travel Limited’s representatives. Changes in travel arrangements that result in additional fees owed due to price differences, fuel surcharges, ticket re-issuance fees, etc. are due and payable directly to representatives at Charlotte Travel Limited at time of change.

Air TransportationCharlotte Travel Limited has no control over and is not liable for airline strikes, schedule changes, flight delays, flight cancellations or other airline initiated changes. In the event of such an occurrence, the airline is responsible and will determine what action will be taken.
AccommodationFacilities, guest services and amenities are provided at the discretion of the hotel and are subject to change without notice. Any additional costs are the responsibility of the customer and are payable directly to the hotel. Room location, connecting rooms and bedding requests are not guaranteed and are based upon availability at time of check in. Hotel descriptions and photos do not necessarily depict the actual room in which guests will be accommodated; maps and images may not be exact or to scale, and are for general description purposes only. Room standards are the sole responsibility of the hotel. Hotel ratings are based on information provided by the hotel and Charlotte Travel Limited’s own evaluations.
Baggage and Personal PropertyBaggage checked or carried on board an aircraft or vehicle are subject to charge based on weight, number and size. All baggage fees are the responsibility of the customer and are payable directly to the supplier. Please contact the supplier for their current baggage policy. Charlotte Travel Limited is not responsible or liable for any delay, loss or damage to baggage and personal property.
Physical DisabilitiesCustomers requiring special facilities, services or accommodations must reveal such needs to Charlotte Travel Limited at time of booking. Wheelchair-accessible transportation and accommodations may be requested, but cannot be guaranteed. Available accommodation standards vary by hotel and are not within the control of Charlotte Travel Limited.  Charlotte Travel Limited has no liability for the failure for the provision of accommodations by a travel vendor.

Alterations and cancellations by us

In the event that the Customer’s travel plan is interrupted by airlines/hotels/suppliers, Charlotte Travel Limited will make best efforts to work on Customer’s behalf to communicate requests to airlines/hotels/suppliers to provide service protection to the Customer, provided that the interruption is notified to Charlotte Travel Limited and that the airlines/hotels/suppliers are reachable. If Charlotte Travel Limited is unable to make contact with the airlines/hotels/suppliers, Charlotte Travel Limited will suggest viable alternatives to the Customer, if applicable. Should refunds be requested upon the alteration or cancellation by any airline/hotel/supplier, Charlotte Travel Limited reserve the right to charge an administration / handling fee.


Charlotte Travel Limited is only responsible for reserving the items listed in the reservation details. The suppliers providing transportation, sightseeing arrangements, tours, excursions and accommodations (“Suppliers”) for the vacations are independent contractors and are not agents, affiliates, representatives or employees of Charlotte Travel Limited. Any use of the Charlotte Travel Limited name by a Supplier is for identification purposes only and does not constitute ownership, agency, supervision or control by Charlotte Travel Limited. All documentation, receipts and tickets are issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by the Supplier. By utilizing the services of the Suppliers, you agree that Charlotte Travel Limited shall not be liable for

  1. any accident, loss, injury or damage to you or to those traveling with you in connection with any accommodations, transportation or other services or resulting directly or indirectly from any occurrences or conditions including, but not limited to, negligence, defects in vehicles, equipment malfunction, strikes, “Acts of God,” riots, terrorist acts or threats, wars, acts of governmental authority, theft, delays, weather conditions, environmental conditions, bankruptcy, cancellations or changes in itineraries or schedules or
  2. loss or damage to property or injury to persons, caused by reason of any act or omission, intentional, negligent or otherwise by such third party Suppliers.

The customer contract in use by the airline, when issued, constitutes the sole agreement between you and the airline.  In the unlikely event that the services or accommodations are not available as stated, due to reasons beyond Charlotte Travel Limited’s control, efforts will be made to provide services or accommodations of equal standard and quality. If there is any reason to complain, please notify the supplier at the time so that matters may be put right at the earliest opportunity. If you remain unhappy please email or telephone us as soon as possible. If you wish to take the matter further at the end of your vacation please contact Charlotte Travel Limited in writing or by email within 30 days upon return regarding service related disputes.

Limitation of Liability

By making a reservation, customer acknowledges that Charlotte Travel, in all events, shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages and that the sole extent of Charlotte Travel ’s liability, if any, shall never exceed the amount actually paid by customer to Charlotte Travel.

These Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to change at any time at Charlotte Travel Limited’s sole discretion without prior notice. Any disputes arising out of any travel services offered shall be subject to the laws of the HKSAR.


The Customer is responsible for verifying before travelling that the correct arrangements and documents have been supplied to them.  This includes tickets, hotel reservations, visas, passport validity and any other travel services.  In the event of a purchase transaction discrepancy and which causesf the Customer’s travel plans to be adjusted, altered, or canceled, and the discrepancy is wholly attributable to an error of Charlotte Travel Limited, the Company shall bear the responsibility.